A broadband wavenumber domain deconvolution beamforming grating lobe suppression method for sparse linear arrays
摘要: 为解决稀疏线列阵的栅瓣与宽带Richardson-Lucy (R-L)反卷积处理生成点扩散函数(PSF)字典计算量大的问题, 提出一种宽带波数域的R-L反卷积波束形成栅瓣抑制方法。该方法利用宽带波数域波束形成在波数域的恒束宽特点, 使所有频点的反卷积计算共用一个PSF字典, 减少反卷积计算的PSF存储空间和计算量; 结合在波数域波束形成算法的栅瓣与主瓣之间存在周期平移关系, 利用实际波束形成主瓣方位、宽度以及能量对栅瓣进行基于实际数据的宽带栅瓣预测和抑制, 可以获得好的抑制效果。通过仿真和海试数据验证了所提方法的性能, 结果表明该方法相较于常规宽带反卷积处理可以减少计算量, 栅瓣抑制效果大于6 dB, 拓展了相同阵元数情况下阵列对宽带目标的探测分辨性能。Abstract: Aiming to solve the problem of large calculation amount of generating point spread function (PSF) dictionary by grating lobes and broadband Richardson-Lucy (R-L) deconvolution of sparse line arrays, a broadband wavenumber domain R-L deconvolution method for sidelobe suppression in beamforming is proposed. The method takes advantages of the characteristics of the broadband beamforming technology in the frequency-wavenumber domain with constant beam width, which allows all frequency points to share one PSF dictionary for deconvolution computation to reduce the storage space and computational complexity of the PSF for deconvolution. Combined with the periodic shift relationship between sidelobes and the main lobe in the frequency-wavenumber domain beamforming algorithm, good suppression performance can be achieved by utilizing practical beamforming main lobe azimuth, width and energy to predict and suppress aliasing artifacts based on actual data. The performance of the proposed method was verified through simulation and experimental data. Compared with conventional broadband deconvolution processing, the results show that the method can reduce the amount of calculation and the grating lobe suppression effect is greater than 6 dB, expanding the detection and resolution performance of the array for broadband targets under the same number of array elements.