

Multimode coupling wideband class-IV flextensional transducer

  • 摘要: 为拓展水声换能器的工作带宽, 解决多模耦合换能器存在模态耦合效果不佳的问题, 利用等效电路法研究了换能器振动模态相位对模态耦合能力的影响, 提出了换能器振动模态相位的获取和调控以及提升模态耦合能力的方法。重点分析了IV型弯张换能器一阶、二阶振动模态的相位特点, 提出在换能器椭圆壳体上增加空腔结构以调整二阶弯张振动模态相位, 从而构建利用一阶、二阶弯张振动模态耦合实现宽带发射的宽带IV型弯张换能器。制作了宽带IV型弯张换能器样机, 其工作带宽覆盖2~7 kHz, 实现了一阶弯张振动模态与二阶弯张振动模态的有效耦合, 验证了所提方法的有效性。


    Abstract: In order to extend the working band of the underwater transducer and to solve the problem of poor coupling of some modes in the multimode coupling transducers, the effect of the phase in the vibration modes of the transducer on the modal coupling capability is studied by using the equivalent circuit method. The methods for obtaining and controlling the phases in vibration modes and improving the coupling capability are presented. The phase characteristics of the first and second order vibration modes of the class-IV flextensional transducer are mainly analyzed. A cavity structure can be added to the ellipsoidal shell of class-IV flextensional transducer to adjust the phase of the second order vibration mode in the flextensional transducer, thus constructing a wideband class-IV flextensional transducer by using the coupling of the first and second order flexural tension vibration modes. A prototype of a wideband class-IV flextensional transducer is fabricated with a working band of 2–7 kHz. The effective coupling of the first order and the second order flexural tension vibration modes is realized, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.


